Consent form

I hereby consent that CBS Padel can send me newsletters and offers about the association’s sponsors, partners or likes via e-mails, app messages/app notifications or social media such as Facebook, Instagram, etc.

CBS Padel continuously updates our sponsors and partners to give members the best experiences.

The information sent by CBS Padel or its partners, sponsors or the likes includes but is not limited to; ticket sales, campaigns, competitions, job advertisements, and other marketing concerning products, offers, discounts and event-related content.

You can withdraw your consent at any time, after which CBS Padel may no longer address direct marketing to you unless it is related to your membership. Contact us in this regard at: with the subject being “Unsubscribe”.

CBS Padel always strives to limit the number of e-mails, which is expected to occur 3-5 times a month. However, this is only an estimation, and the actual number might differ.

I also consent to CBS-Padel (CVR no. 43009036) collecting and processing my e-mail address as stated in the privacy and cookie policy by my consent.

Photo and video consent

During the events, we will have a photographer on-site. These photos and videos will be used for internal and external marketing campaigns. If you have any concerns regarding this, don’t hesitate to contact CBS-Padel at:

By participating in any events hosted by or with CBS Padel, you consent to being photographed and videoed. This consent can only be withdrawn before participating in any events hosted by or with CBS Padel; however, please contact us if you wish to ask for removal(s) afterwards. We will look at any wishes for removal(s) case-by-case and cannot promise the desired removal(s). You can contact us at

The above terms and conditions are in effect as of January 2021.